Sonja Morgan career earnings, salary and net worth

Publish date: 2024-08-18

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Sonja Morgan is an actress and television personality. She is the owner of a fashion company and has experience serving as a hostess at several restaurants.

Sonja Morgan is involved in a number of philanthropic endeavors and has been featured in a number of reality shows. She is a native of Albany, New York, in the US. She received a bachelor of arts in marketing from the Fashion Institute of Technology, which she also attended.

She is most known for her role as one of The Real Housewives of New York City’s most notable cast members. Morgan has had various cosmetic surgery procedures including a liposuction treatment.

How much does Sonja Morgan make a year?

Sonja is one of the New York celebrities with the largest income, according to a number of publications. She earns over $5 million a year.

What is Sonja Morgan net worth?

Her estimated net worth is in excess of $100 million. Morgan’s progress after declaring bankruptcy in 2009 has been substantial.

